Marcel M. van der Linden and Gerald Hubmann (eds)
For almost 150 years, scholars have been debating how to interpret Marx’s seminal work Capital while they had access to just some of Marx’s economic manuscripts. This changed in 2013 with the publication of all the known economic writings of Marx and Engels in the Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA). One can now reconstruct the lines of intellectual development, and one can also explore in detail how Friedrich Engels went about compiling volumes II and III of Capital from the vast legacy of manuscripts that Marx left behind after his death in 1883. It should be possible, now, to develop a more comprehensive and accurate picture of Marx as an economic theoretician. This volume of essays aims to initiate this process.
Contributors are: Christopher J. Arthur, Matthias Bohlender, Timm Graßmann, Jorge Grespan, Gerald Hubmann, Heinz D. Kurz, Marcel van der Linden, Kenji Mori, Fred Moseley, Lucia Pradella, Geert Reuten, Regina Roth, and Carl-Erich Vollgraf.
Biographical Note
Marcel van der Linden (1952) is Senior Fellow at the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam. He is also a board member of the Internationale Marx-Engels-Stiftung (IMES), and co-responsible for the publication of the Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA).
Gerald Hubmann (1962) is Secretary of the Internationale Marx-Engels-Stiftung (IMES), and coordinator and leading editor of the Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA) at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences.
All interested in Marx’s critique of political economy.
Table of Contents
List of Tables and Figures
Notes on Contributors
1 Introduction
Marcel van der Linden and Gerald Hubmann
2 Editing the legacy: Friedrich Engels and Marx’s Capital
Regina Roth
3 About the beginning and end of capitalism. Observations on the consequences possibly derived from the discoveries of MEGA²
Jorge Grespan
4 Marx’s further work on Capital after publishing Volume 1: on the completion of Part II of the MEGA²
Carl-Erich Vollgraf
5 Marx after the MEGA² edition: a comment
Heinz D. Kurz
6 The development of Marx’s theory of the falling rate of profit in the four drafts of Capital
Fred Moseley
7 Did Marx relinquish his concept of capital’s historical dynamic? A comment on Fred Moseley
Timm Graßmann
8 The redundant transformation to prices of production: a Marx-immanent critique and reconstruction
Geert Reuten
9 Comment on Geert Reuten
Christopher J. Arthur
10 Karl Marx’s Books of Crisis and the concept of double crisis: A Ricardian Legacy
Kenji Mori
11 Marx meets Manchester. The Manchester Notebooks as a starting point of an unfinish(ed)able project?
Matthias Bohlender
12 Marx’s itineraries to Capital: on Matthias Bohlender’s ‘Marx meets Manchester’
Lucia Pradella