Rebecca Carson
Biographical Note
Rebecca Carson, Ph.D. (2022), Kingston University, is a Tutor at the Royal College of Art. She has published widely on Marx and reproduction, including the articles “Fictitious Capital and the Re-emergence of Personal Forms of Domination” (Continental Thought and Theory, 2017) and “Non-capitalist Domination, Rentierism and the Politics of Class” (Crisis and Critique, 2023).
The readership will include readers working in Critical Theory, Political Economy, Marxism, Ecology and Feminist Theory. This includes students and practitioners working at institutions such as Kingston University, Goldsmiths University, New School for Social Research, University of Dundee, University of Warwick and other universities that teach critical theory and continental philosophy.
Table of Contents
1 Fictitious Capital and the Re-emergence of Personal Forms of Domination
1.1 Fictitious Capital
1.2 Fictitious Capital and Value Form
1.3 Social Reproduction and Personal Domination
2 Money Form
2.1 Political Subjectivity and the Monetary Link between Italian Operaismo and Capital Logic
2.2 Money as Money
3 Fetish Character
3.1 The Presupposition of Reification and The Money Form
3.2 Personal and Impersonal Forms of Domination
4 Time and Schemas of Reproduction
4.1 The Circulation of Capital
4.2 Interruptions and Differential Temporal Forms within Capital’s Reproduction
4.3 Marx’s Presentation of The Metamorphoses of Capital and Their Circuit
4.4 Marx’s Presentation of The Turnover of Capital
4.5 Marx’s Presentation of the Reproduction and Circulation of Total Social Capital
4.6 The Three Circuits of Capital
4.7 The Role of the Credit System within Capital’s Reproduction
4.8 Expanded Reproduction
4.9 A Complete Concept of Money for Understanding Capital’s Reproduction
4.10 Non-capitalist Variables within Capital’s Reproduction
5 Marx’s Social Theory of Reproduction
5.1 Capital’s Life Process
5.2 Intersubjective Structures
5.3 The Category of Reproduction in Hegel’s The Science of Logic
5.4 Concrete Reproduction of Human Life and Nature
5.5 Marx’s Two Concepts of Life