Elleni Centime Zeleke
Biographical Note
All interested in the Ethiopian revolution, the history of social change in Africa, comparative political theory, critical theory and intellectual history of the global south.
Table of Contents
Donald L. Donham
Note on Citations
1 Revolutionary Ethiopia
2 Background to the Project
3 Fieldwork
4 Structure of the Book
Part 1 Knowledge Production and Social Change in Ethiopia
1 The Children of the Revolution: Toward an Alternative Method
1 I Don’t Have Tizita
2 Social Science Is a Battlefield: Rethinking the Historiography of the Ethiopian Revolution
1 Early Histories of the Revolution and the International Left
2 Historiography of the Liberated Zones
3 Historical Contiguity
4 The Student Movement Grows Up
3 Challenge: Social Science in the Literature of the Ethiopian Student Movement
1 Challenge 1965–9: The Moment of Departure
2 Our Collective Backwardness
3 The Method of the Idea
4 The Making of a Programme
5 The Moment of Manoeuvre: Debates on the National Question
6 Challenge in the World
7 Conclusion
4 When Social Science Concepts Become Neutral Arbiters of Social Conflict: Rethinking the 2005 Elections in Ethiopia
1 The 2005 Federal Elections
2 Discussion
5 Passive Revolution: Living in the Aftermath of the 2005 Elections
Part 2 Theory as Memoir
6 The Problem of the Social Sciences in Africa
1 The Problem of the Social Sciences in Africa
2 Rethinking Transitions to Capitalism
3 Knowledge Production in Africa
4 Anthropological Nature and the Possibility of Critique
5 Critical-Practical Thought
6 The Human as Subject and Object
7 A Theory of Human Development
8 Coda