14 May 2020

Neil Davidson (1957-2020)

At Historical Materialism, we are devastated by the loss to our movement of Neil Davidson, who was a source of unflinching support to the journal, book series and conferences. We will be publishing two books by him in the book series, and we strongly encourage you to purchase his works that are available from Haymarket Books and from Pluto Press

In honour of Neil, a special page on the Brill website with a number of his articles free to download:

Other articles available for download can be found here:

Crisis Neoliberalism and Regimes of Permanent Exception

Neoliberalism and the Far-Right: A Contradictory Embrace

and here:

Neoliberalism as the Agent of Capitalist Self-Destruction

The National Question, Class and the European Union: An Interview with Neil Davidson

and here:

IS Journal Writers: Neil Davidson (1957–2020)

10 May 2020: Added to the Neil Davidson Archive in the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL):

STUC conference (letter) (2001)

Scottish Revolution – They Took the High Road (2003)

What did capitalism do for us? (2004)

The ghosts of struggle haunt festival city (2004)

Good Tradition (book review) (2004)

How was this kingdom united? (Interview) (2004)

‘Beyond expectations’ (strike report extract) (2004)

Bourgeois Revolutions – On the Road to Salvation for all Mankind (2004)

A History of Mutiny (2005)

The myth of Britishness (2005)

SSP get set for Livingston by-election (2005)

Islam and the Enlightenment (2006)

The 1926 general strike – nine days of hope (2006)

No defence for the British Empire (2006)

Third World Revolution (2006)

Should Scotland become independent? (2009)

[Thanks to Einde O’Callaghan]

You can also look at his page:

And since nothing replaces listening to Neil in his, er, “inimitable” accent, please check these talks out: 

Neil Davidson Audios

Please also read wonderful obituary of Neil Davidson by Jamie Allinson 

In memoriam: Neil Davidson, 9 October 1957 – 3 May 2020

as well as the following:

Obituary: Neil Davidson, 1957–2020

An Appreciation of Neil Davidson (1957-2020)

The Editors
Historical Materialism
Faculty of Law and Social Sciences
SOAS, University of London
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square
London WC1H 0XG

United Kingdom