Marxism & Cinema: Daniel Fairfax

This piece was originally published in French at “Of all the arts,” Vladimir Lenin reportedly claimed, “the most important for us is the cinema.” An invention of the modern bourgeoisie, cinema is the only art form whose genesis is contemporaneous with that of capitalism, and over the course of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries,

The Left and COVID: A response to Mike Haynes

by Sam Friedman and Mary Jirmanus Saba Mike Haynes’s article “The Left, COVID, and the Roads Not Taken” aims to skewer the Left for its failures during the COVID pandemic.[1] In this article, we first go through his argument and show its weaknesses and one or two strengths. We end by suggesting paths the Left can

Histories of ‘Everything’. A Review of The Dawn of Everything: A New History of Humanity by David Graeber and David Wengrow, and The Story of Work: A New History of Humankind by Jan Lucassen

By Marcus Bajema Marx was once described as having discovered the continent of history for science, previously occupied by philosophy.[1] However, the continent is even now far from fully explored and remains partly hidden from us by dense fogs generated by ideological discourse. What struck me most in The History of Work by Lucassen (hereafter abbreviated

Jon Elster on French Absolutism and its Collapse in 1789. A Review of France Before 1789: The Unraveling of an Absolutist Regime

By Stephen J. Miller Marxists have long debated how to conceptualise the absolutist states of early modern Europe. Absolutism calls to mind royal sovereignty, whereas feudalism indicates decentralised seigneurial authority. Absolutism thus gives the impression of opposing feudal authority. If absolutism militated against feudalism, did it therefore represent progress? Did it emerge along with, or

Flashbacks, Fascism and the New Prehistory. Review of Flashback, Eclipse: The Political Imaginary of Italian Art in the 1960s by Romy Golan and Against the Avant-garde: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Contemporary Art and Neocapitalism by Ara Merjian

By Jacopo Galimberti In English-speaking scholarship, the last few years have witnessed a growing interest in the relationship between the visual arts and Italian politics from the onset of the ‘miracolo economico’ (the ‘economic miracle’ starting around 1958) to the oil crisis of the mid-1970s, or, to put it slightly differently, from the publication of

Everything Goes: Three Problems with The Dawn of Everything A Review of The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow

by Peter Kulchyski   Men make their own history, but not of their own free will; not under circumstances they themselves have chosen but under the given and inherited circumstances with which they are directly confronted. – Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte The publication of David Graeber and David Wengrow’s The Dawn of

Strategy, Temporality and Collective Learning: An Alternative Proposal for the Future of UCU Campaigns in the UK

by Demet Sahende Dinler The views are solely my own and do not represent the views of my branch. I appreciate the constructive criticisms and suggestions of UCU colleagues and friends who commented on the first version of this piece. Special thanks to the inspiring conversations I have had with Alice Corble, Arabella Stanger, Ben

Communists are Optimists by Profession: The Forgotten Story of the Hungarian Commune. A Review of Optimisti: roman jedne revolucije [The Optimists: The Novel of a Revolution] by Ervin Šinko

  Following a failed counterrevolutionary uprising in Budapest in June 1919, the Hungarian Bolsheviks captured a group of young cadets from the Ludovica Military Academy who had participated in the revolt. The young men must have been horrified. They had no idea what fate lay in store for them, but they were sure it would

The Left, Covid, and the Roads not Taken.

By Mike Haynes Mike Haynes is a former Professor of International Political Economy who has written widely on the social history of death and disease. Accused by some of being a lockdown sceptic (he supported the first UK lockdown), he would describe himself as an evidence-based covid centrist. He blogs as theJobbing Leftie Historian:

An Important Contribution to the History of Trotskyism in Bolivia: The Revolutionary Workers Party – Masas (POR-Masas) and the Revolutionary Tendency of the Armed Forces – Vivo Rojo A Review of ¡Abrir los cuarteles! Una historia de la Tendencia Revolucion

By Daniel Gaido   Matías J. Rubio, a historian from the National University of Luján, Argentina, as well as a Trotskyist militant, has recently published a book entitled ¡Abrir los cuarteles! Una historia de la Tendencia Revolucionaria de las Fuerzas Armadas – Vivo Rojo (Bolivia – 1980–2001).[1] This work analyses the history of the Revolutionary Tendency

Losing Power: The Workers’ Opposition in the Russian Communist Party. A Review of The Workers’ Opposition in the Russian Communist Party: Documents, 1919–30, edited and translated by Barbara C. Allen

By Daniel Gaido This monumental collection gathers the main documents of the Workers’ Opposition, a tendency within the Bolshevik Party that emerged in December 1920 against the background of the crisis in War Communism, i.e., the economic collapse resulting from grain requisitions and the prohibition of trade between the city and the countryside, which became