
Social History Portal

31st Jan 2019

From Lucas Poy (University of Buenos Aires / CEHTI / Argentina)  of the Social History Portal News Service: 

Together with other colleagues, I am updating the Social History Portal News Service ( The website is an initiative of the International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI), a network that brings together archives, libraries, document centres, museums and research institutions specializing in the heritage, history and theory of labour and social movements from all over the world. 

Please send information you would like publicized on this site relating to social and labour history to (e.g. information about upcoming conferences, calls for papers, announcements of publications, book reviews, conference reports, news on collections, exhibitions, new websites, etc.)

Once a month sends out a table of contents of messages published in its News Service — not the entire text, just the clickable titles as they appear on the homepage. You can enter your email in the website if you want to be subscribed.  

The information is usually also posted on the Facebook page ( and the twitter account ( Feel free to like/follow both accounts and invite other colleagues/comrades to do so.