New Book

‘The Profit Doctrine: Economists of the Neoliberal Era’ by Robert Chernomas and Ian Hudson

27th Mar 2017


The Profit Doctrine: Economists of the Neoliberal Era

By Robert Chernomas and Ian Hudson



‘The financial crisis alerted the public to what some insiders have known for decades: mainstream economic ideas are seriously flawed. Chernomas and Hudson lay bare both the ideas and the equally flawed individuals behind them, from Milton Friedman to the ex-“Maestro” Alan Greenspan.’

Professor Steve Keen, author of Debunking Economics (Zed Books, 2011)



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About the book:


The economics profession has a lot to answer for. After the late 1970s, the ideas of influential economists have justified policies that have made the world more prone to economic crisis, remarkably less equal, more polluted and less secure than it might be. How could ideas and policies that proved to be such an abject failure come to dominate the economic landscape?


By critically examining the work of the most famous economists of the neoliberal period including Alan Greenspan, Joseph Stiglitz and Paul Krugman, the authors Robert Chernomas and Ian Hudson demonstrate that many of those who rose to prominence did so primarily because of their defence of, and contribution to, rising corporate profits and not their ability to predict or explain economic events.


An important and controversial book, The Profit Doctrine exposes the uses and abuses of mainstream economic canons, identify those responsible and reaffirm the primacy of political economy.




Read an extract from the book here:




Robert Chernomas is Professor of Economics at the University of Manitoba, Canada. He is co-author (with Ian Hudson) of Economics in the Twenty-first Century: A Critical Perspective (University of Toronto Press, 2016) and To Live and Die in America: Class, Class, Power Health and Health Care (Pluto Press, 2013).


Ian Hudson is Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Manitoba, Canada. He is the co-author (with Robert Chernomas) of Economics in the Twenty-first Century: A Critical Perspective (University of Toronto Press, 2016) and To Live and Die in America: Class, Class, Power Health and Health Care (Pluto Press, 2013).




PAPERBACK: DECEMBER 2016 / 224 PAGES / ISBN 9780745335858 / £17.99 / $27 / €25






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