
NLR Event: ‘Digital Socialism?’ – London, 13 June

4th Jun 2019

NLR Event: ‘Digital Socialism?’

Evgeny Morozov and Brian Eno
in discussion with New Left Review

Thursday, 13th June, 7pm

Fountain Room, Main Foyer

Barbican Centre, Silk Street

London EC2Y 8DS


Could the digital feedback infrastructure behind Big Data be repurposed for non-market forms of discovery and social coordination? Kicking off from Evgeny Morozov’s landmark essay, ‘Digital Socialism?’ https://newleftreview.org/issues/II116/articles/evgeny-morozov-digital-socialism,  in the latest number of New Left Review, Morozov and Brian Eno explore the strategic possibilities for democratic and economic change opening up along the new digital frontiers – and the corporate obstacles to their realization.


Free entry, please register on the Barbican website: