New Book

New from Brill’s Historical Materialism series: Marx’s Capital, Method and Revolutionary Subjectivity

23rd Jul 2019

Marx’s Capital, Method and Revolutionary Subjectivity

Author: Guido Starosta

In Marx´s Capital , Method and Revolutionary Subjectivity, Guido Starosta develops a materialist inquiry into the social and historical determinations of revolutionary subjectivity. Through a methodologically-minded critical reconstruction of the Marxian critique of political economy, from the early writings up to theGrundrisse and Capital, this study shows that the outcome of the historical movement of the objectified form of social mediation, which has turned into the very alienated subject of social life (i.e., capital), is to develop, as its own immanent determination, the constitution of the (self-abolishing) working class as a revolutionary subject. A crucial element in this intellectual endeavour is the focus on the intrinsic connection between the specifically dialectical form of social science and its radical transformative content.

Guido Starosta is Professor of the History of Economic Thought at the National University of Quilmes, Argentina and Adjunct Investigator at the Council for Scientific and Technical Research. He has published many articles on value-theory, method and subjectivity in the Marxian critique of political economy.