
Gender and Contemporary Capitalism Seminar, Birmingham – 29 January

17th Jan 2019

Sue Himmelweit (Open University and the Women’s Budget Group) 

Adrienne Roberts (University of Manchester)

Tuesday 29 January, 4.30pm

University of Birmingham (Muirhead 715)

This seminar brings together two leading scholars in feminist historical materialism and feminist economics, providing an opportunity to consider the way in which a focus on gender can inform our understanding of contemporary capitalism.

Susan Himmelweit is Emeritus Professor at the Open University, was the founding chair of the Women’s Budget Group and has been a leading contributor to some of the key debates around care work within the Conference of Socialist Economists and elsewhere. She is a feminist economist who challenges the gender-blindness of economics and focuses especially on issues at the boundary of the paid and unpaid economies, theory and policy around care, and the gender analysis of budgets. Here she will discuss the work of the Women’s Budget Group, and how feminist economics can contribute to a critical analysis of contemporary capitalism.

Adrienne Roberts is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Politics at the University of Manchester. She specializes in feminist international political economy with a particular focus on the gendered relations of finance, debt, development, and trade. Her recent book, Gendered States of Punishment and Welfarepresents a feminist historical materialist analysis of legal and penal regimes, and social policies, highlighting their highly gendered disciplinary roles throughout the history of capitalism. This book features as the subject of a review symposium in the current issue of Capital and Class. Her talk will present some of the key ideas of the book, and explore some of the contributions that feminist historical materialism can make to current critical scholarship.

The event will provide plenty of opportunity for discussion around the themes raised.

All welcome!

blog: csemidlands.wordpress.com/2018/12/20/gender-and-contemporary-capitalism/ 

FB event: www.facebook.com/events/341045760067560/