
Capitalism: Concept and Idea, London 13-14 October

30th Sep 2017

Capitalism: Concept and Idea

150 Years of Marx’s Capital:
The Philosophy and Politics of Capital Today

Friday-Saturday 13-14 October 2017


Booking essential. Register at http://kingston.ac.uk/cap17

With less than 2 weeks to go, registration for ‘Capitalism: Concept and Idea’ remains open. More than two-thirds of the places are now taken, so be sure to confirm your booking within the next week.

As a counterpoint to the retreat of the concept of communism from history to ‘idea’, this conference will mark the 150th anniversary of the first volume of Karl Marx’s Capital: A Critique of Political Economy by asking the question of the meanings of ‘capital’ and ‘capitalism’ today as at once (explanatory structural-historical) concepts and (political) ideas.

In particular: What is the current standing of the different philosophical interpretations of Marx’s Capital? What light do they thrown on capitalism today? How have historical developments since Marx’s day changed the concept of capitalism? Has ‘neo-liberal’ capitalism rendered the concept of crisis redundant, for example? Is capitalism governable? Or is capital itself now the main form of governmentality? What is the precise character of Capital as a text – in terms of theory and in terms of literature? What does it mean to be ‘against capitalism’ today?

Speakers: Éric Alliez (CRMEP, Kingston University/University of Paris 8), Sara Farris (Goldsmiths), Leigh Claire La Berge (CUNY), Tithi Bhattacharya (Purdue University), Werner Bonefeld (University of York), Boris Buden (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar), Michael Heinrich (Prokla, Berlin), Anselm Jappe (Academy of Fine Arts, Sassari), John Kraniasukas (Birkbeck, University of London), Elena Louisa Lange (University of Zurich), Maurizio Lazzarato (Paris), Jason W. Moore (Binghamton University, NY),  Antonio Negri (Paris), Peter Osborne (CRMEP, Kingston University), Judith Revel (University of Paris 10), Gayatri C. Spivak (Columbia University, NY), Keston Sutherland (University of Sussex)


  • Capital and Capitalism 1: Value-form and Politics

  • Capital and Capitalism 2: Capital, Science and Ecology

  • Capital, Feminism and Social Reproduction

  • Capitalism and Freedom

  • Subjectivation and War (Marx and Foucault)

  • Poetics of Capital/Capital

  • Capital’s Destinerrance: Event and Task

  • Marxian Ontology, Today

Please click here to view the programme (subject to change).

Please click here to view the paper titles, abstracts and speakers’ biographies.

Please note changing venues:

  • The Friday event will be held at Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, WC1R 4RL

  • The Saturday event will be held at the Old Lecture Theatre, LSE, Houghton Street, WC2A 2AE

Booking essential. Register at http://kingston.ac.uk/cap17

For further information about this event:

Contact: Eric-John Russell
Email: k1543754@kingston.ac.uk