
Agrarian Change Seminars, London

22nd Jan 2018

Agrarian Change Seminars

Term 2, 2017-18

Journal of Agrarian Change and

Department of Development Studies, SOAS


Room G51a (ground floor, main building), SOAS



24 January, 5.15 pm

Food Import Dependency in Cuba: still the Achilles Heel of the Revolution?

Elisa Botella Rodríguez (University of Salamanca)


7 February, 5.15 pm

Land grabs, green grabs and financialization: Interlinkages and contradictions between primitive and capitalist accumulation

Shapan Adnan (Independent Scholar, formerly National University of Singapore)


21 February, 5.15 pm

Contract Farming in Global Production Networks: The Case of Tobacco in Southern Africa

Helena Pérez Niño (SOAS)


7 March 5.15 pm

Accumulating through Food Crisis: The Financialization of Agriculture from the Twentieth Century to the Present

Joseph Baines (King’s College London)