
8th Annual Radical Democracy Conference – NYC, 26-27 April

17th Apr 2019


8th Annual Radical Democracy Conference: 
What is Feminist Politics?


The last couple of years gave rise to new democratic movements. This new stage of grassroots democratic protests in countries such as US, Brazil, Argentina, Spain or Poland has been centered around feminist issues including sexual harassment, abortion law, domestic violence, and gender inequality. The Women’s March against Trump andInternational Women’s Strike present only two examples of the recent and global feminist wave. Why does the current wave of political mobilization in the US, Argentina, or Brazil have a feminist face? How does it differ from earlier democratic movements, including the movements of Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter? What distinguishes this new wave from other feminist struggles from the past? Finally, what issues, reactions, and obstacles do contemporary feminists face in various places around the world? Please, join us in discussing all these questions at the 8th Radical Democracy Conference on April 26-27.Opening roundtable with Miriam Ticktin, Nancy Fraser, Kirsten Swinth, Cinzia Arruzza, April 26, Wolff Conference Room, 7-9 PM Keynote speaker: Jack Halberstam, After Feminism, After Politics, April 27, Wolff Conference Room, 6-8 PM More information and conference programhere