
Automation, Changing Work, and New Ways of Struggle – Birmingham, 9 March

28th Feb 2019

Automation, Changing Work, and New Ways of Struggle

Confirmed speakersPhoebe Moore (University of Leicester), Saori Shibata (Leiden University)

Saturday 9 March

3-5pm, Artefact, Birmingham

Hosted by CSE/Capital and Class Midlands and the Contemporary Philosophy of Technology Research Group

The world of work is changing. We see rapid moves towards automation, quantified work, precarity, and zero-hour contracts. But at the same time we see new and different ways in which workplace struggle is conducted. This event provides an opportunity for those interested in these different changes – to the workplace and to resistance in the workplace – to come together and discuss recent research and to reflect on ongoing campaigns. The session will focus on research into the changing nature of the (digital) workplace by Phoebe Moore, leading international scholar of the political economy of technology and work, and a discussion by Saori Shibata, lecturer in the political economy of Japan, of how the creation of precarious workers is being contested in the changing capitalist context of Japan.  There will plenty of opportunity for discussion, debate, and plotting the next moves in the struggle against capitalism.

All welcome!

blog: https://csemidlands.wordpress.com/2019/02/22/automation-changing-work-and-new-ways-of-struggle/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/1264908846996202/