
The rise and fall of managerialism – Birmingham, 24 January

29th Dec 2018

Next CSE/Capital and Class Midlands event:

Hugo Radice (University of Leeds)

The rise and fall of managerialism: from Veblen to shareholder value
Thursday 24 January, 4.30pm
University of Birmingham (Muirhead 112)

In analysing capitalism we need also to understand the social relations internal to the corporation. Beyond a simple relationship between ‘owners’ and ‘workers’, this also includes the relationship between the owners of the corporation and its executive management. In contributing to this debate, Hugo Radice will consider the history of managerialism as a distinct social force shaping the corporation and its wider politics.

Hugo Radice is a a Life Fellow of the University of Leeds and has been active in the Conference of Socialist Economists since its foundation in 1970.

All welcome!


